~ innocence ~

Welcome to my trading post

Welcome to ~ innocence ~, my new trading post for TCGs I play.

I began playing TCGs in 2007 to a game named the Trading Academy. I was a TCG about anime and manga. I left it because I had lots of things to do in my job and so no time for games ! XD

I saw it was closed, but as I kept my trading post on my computer, I put it on my post in memory !

If you want to trade with me, I prefer if you use the trade form HERE ! But you can also trade with me on the tcgs forums !

Active TCGs





Moving Lines active March 27, 2014

Hiatus / Inactive / Closed TCGs




5x7.5 closed
Elements closed
Overdrive inactive
So Magical closed
Tiny Legend inactive
TV World closed
Zest inactive
Collage closed
Folklore hiatus
Phenomena closed
Reverie hiatus
Shout it ! Out loud ! closed
Trading Academy closed
Delish cards closed
Drawings closed
Roleplay quitted

Some hiatus and closed / quited TCGs are managed with Enchanted script TCG post manager.

Current member cards

Past member cards

Collage Elements Elements Folklore Overdrive So Magical TV World Zest delishcards drawings elements elements Reverie roleplay tradingacademy